University of California

Oral and e-Poster Abstract Sessions

Oral and e-Poster Abstract Sessions

Draft Oral and e-Poster Sessions current as of 09/2/2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Oral Abstract Session 1

4:00PM - 4:15PM

The biological role of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates in rucola, and the effects on sensory quality traits

Presenting Author: Luke Bell, University of Reading

Ballroom A

4:15PM - 4:30PM

Effect of wounding intensity and methyl jasmonate pretreatment on phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of fresh-cut pitaya fruit

Presenting Author: Yong-hua Zheng, Nanjing Agricultural University

Ballroom A

4:00PM - 4:15PM

Quality changes of green vegetable smoothies during shelf life

Presenting Author: Francisco Artés-Hernández, Technical University of Cartagena

Ballroom B

4:15PM - 4:30PM

Profile of volatile compounds as a quality marker of MA-packaged fresh-cut melons

Presenting Author: Victor Rodov, ARO, The Volcani Center

Ballroom B

e-Poster Abstract Session 1

4:00PM - 4:10PM

Extending postharvest life of ready-to-use zucchini flowers: effects of the atmosphere composition

Presenting Author: Maria Luisa Amodio, University of Foggia, Italy

Conference Room A

4:10PM - 4:20PM

Estimation of degradation of internal attributes of fresh-cut produce based on external quality

Presenting Author: Giancarlo Colelli, University of Foggia, Italy

Conference Room A

4:20PM - 4:30PM

Effective combination treatments in maintaining the quality and extend the storage life of freshly peeled onion

Presenting Author: Latifah Mohd Nor, MARDI

Conference Room A

4:00PM - 4:10PM

Influence of an evoked pleasant consumption context on consumer’s hedonic evaluation for minimally processed cactus pear (O. ficus-indica) fruit

Presenting Author: Giuseppe Sortino, University of Palermo

Conference Room B

4:10PM - 4:20PM

Effect of harvest time on post-cutting quality of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)

Presenting Author: Imperatrice Capotorto, University of Foggia, Italy

Conference Room B

4:20PM - 4:30PM

Kinetics of moisture absorption by humidity-regulating packaging trays for fresh produce

Presenting Author: Pramod Mahajan, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering

Conference Room B

Oral Abstract Session 2

4:30PM - 4:45PM

The use of multivariate analysis as method for obtaining a more reliable shelf-life estimation of fresh-cut produces: A study on pineapple

Presenting Author: Maria Luisa Amodio, University of Foggia

Ballroom A

4:45PM - 5:00PM

Optimizing minimal processing and shelf life conditions to better preserve Chinese parsley quality

Presenting Author: Haiyan Gao,  Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Science

Ballroom A

4:30PM - 4:45PM

Quality and shelf life of enzymatically peeled and segmented citrus fruits in Japan

Presenting Author: Hidemi Izumi, Kinki University

Ballroom B

4:45PM - 5:00PM

Low intensity postharvest lighting improves quality and shelf life of fresh-cut lettuce

Presenting Author: Ernst Woltering, Wageningen UR

Ballroom B

e-Poster Abstract Session 2

4:30PM - 4:40PM

Overall quality of minimally processed pea seeds

Presenting Author: Francisco Artés-Hernández, Technical University of Cartagena

Conference Room A

4:40PM - 4:50PM

Extending shelf-life of minimally processed pumpkin with a carrageenan-based coating

Presenting Author: Latifah Mohd Nor, MARDI

Conference Room A

4:50PM - 5:00PM

Influence of different MA films on the quality of fresh-cut peach palms

Presenting Author: Silvia Valentini, Instituto Agronomico de Campinas

Conference Room A

4:30PM - 4:40PM

Non-thermal plasma for controlling postharvest decay of ‘Shiranuhi’ mandarin hybrid

Presenting Author: Kyung-Jin Park, Citrus Research Institute, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Korea

Conference Room B

4:40PM - 4:50PM

Quality of waterjet and blade cut romaine lettuce

Presenting Author: Anderson Melo, Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Conference Room B

4:50PM - 5:00PM

Fresh-cut kale quality and shelf-life in relation to leaf maturity and storage temperature

Presenting Author: Karin Albornoz, University of California, Davis

Conference Room B

5:00PM - 5:10PM

Browning inhibition and microbial control in fresh-cut persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb. cv. Rojo Brillante) by apple pectin-based edible coating and modified atmosphere packaging

Presenting Author: María Bernardita Pérez-Gago, IVIA- Fundación Agroalimed

Conference Room B

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Oral Abstract Session 3

3:30PM - 3:45PM

Antimicrobial effect of photosensitized Rose Bengal on bacteria and viruses in model wash-water

Presenting Author: Andrea Cossu, University of California, Davis

Ballroom A

3:45PM - 4:00PM

Influence of biodegradable coatings on the volatiles profile of fresh cut ‘Paluma’ guava

Presenting Author: Silvanda Silva, Universidade Federal Da Paraiba

Ballroom A

3:30PM - 3:45PM

Remediation and Recovery Measures to Expedite Plant or Replant of Tender Greens Following Soil Contamination by Salmonella enterica

Presenting Author: Adrian Sbodio, University of California, Davis

Ballroom B

3:45PM - 4:00PM

Organic acids produced by lactic acid bacteria (Leuconostoc sp.) are related to sensorial quality decrease in modified atmosphere packed fresh-cut iceberg lettuce

Presenting Author: Maxence Paillart, Wageningen UR

Ballroom B

e-Poster Abstract Session 3

3:30PM - 3:40PM

Survival or growth of inoculated Listeria monocytogenes on yellow onions (Allium cepa) under conditions simulating food service and consumer handling and storage

Presenting Author: Vanessa Lieberman, University of California, Davis

Conference Room A

3:40PM - 3:50PM

Effects of nisin treatment on microbial growth and quality of fresh-cut Chinese yam during

Presenting Author: Hetong Lin, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

Conference Room A

3:50PM - 4:00PM

Internalization and persistence of human bacterial pathogens in fresh produce

Presenting Author: Maeli Melotto, University of California, Davis

Conference Room A

3:30PM - 3:40PM

Growth of foodborne pathogens in ready-to-eat salad

Presenting Author: Karin Söderqvist, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Conference Room B

3:40PM - 3:50PM

Incorporating bacteriophages into edible dip coatings to control food pathogens on fresh produce

Presenting Author: Erica Vonasek, University of California, Davis

Conference Room B

3:50PM - 4:00PM

Response of Vegetable Cactus Pads to Salmonella Strains

Presenting Author: Ana María Hernández-Anguiano, Colegio de Postgraduados–Montecillo

Conference Room B

Oral Abstract Session 4

4:00PM - 4:15PM

Enhancing the shelf life and sensory quality of fresh cut mangos

Presenting Author: Elizabeth Mitcham, University of California, Davis

Ballroom A

4:15PM - 4:30PM

Control of discoloration on fresh-cut sunchoke tubers

Presenting Author: Qingguo Wang, Shan Dong Agricultural University, Tai’an

Ballroom A

4:00PM - 4:15PM

Postharvest assessment of undesirable fibrous tissue (choking-hazard) in fresh processing carrots using VIS/NIR hyperspectral images

Presenting Author: Irwin R. Donis-Gonzalez, Michigan State University

Ballroom B

4:15PM - 4:30PM

Effect of nitrogen concentration in the nutritional solution and harvest time on nitrate content in baby leaves of two swiss-chard cultivars crop in a hydroponic system

Presenting Author: Victor Escalona, Universidad de Chile

Ballroom B

e-Poster Abstract Session 4

4:00PM - 4:10PM

Development and characterization of an antimicrobial packaging film coating containing AITC or carvacrol for preservation of fresh-cut vegetable

Presenting Author: Haiyan Gao, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Science

Conference Room A

4:10PM - 4:20PM

Postharvest performance of fresh-cut 'Bing Bang' nectarine as affected by passive atmosphere packaging

Presenting Author: Giuseppe Sortino, University of Palermo

Conference Room A

4:20PM - 4:30PM

Modeling ammonia accumulation and color changes of arugula leaves in relation to temperature, storage time and cultivar

Presenting Author: Maria Luisa Amodio, University of Foggia, Italy

Conference Room A

4:00PM - 4:10PM

Maintenance of fresh fruit quality in summer-bearing strawberry utilizing subzero nonfreezing storage and 1-MCP postharvest treatment

Presenting Author: Takashi Suzuki, Hokkaido University

Conference Room B

4:10PM - 4:20PM

Simulation studies for export minimally processed durian by air shipment to Hong Kong

Presenting Author: Latifah Mohd Nor, MARDI

Conference Room B

4:20PM - 4:30PM

Design of the proper modified atmosphere packaging for fresh-cut broccoli raab (cv. Novantina)

Presenting Author: Giancarlo Colelli, University of Foggia, Italy

Conference Room B

4:30PM - 4:40PM

Physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of minimally processed tubers from “early” potato crops as affected by anti-browning dipping treatment and cultivar

Presenting Author: Anita Ierna, IVALSA, CNR, Section of Catania

Conference Room B

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Oral Abstract Session 5

3:30PM - 3:45PM

Postharvest shelf-life extension of pomegranates using Breatheway modified atmosphere packaging technology

Presenting Author: Shehbaz Singh, Apio, Inc.

Ballroom A

3:45PM - 4:00PM

Impact of modified atmospheres on the Vitamin C content of romaine and green leaf lettuces

Presenting Author: Marita Cantwell, University of California, Davis

Ballroom A

4:00PM - 4:15PM

Affect of firming and anti browning agents on the quality characteristics of fresh-cut Guava fruit at different temperature

Presenting Author: Aman-Ulah Malik, University of Agriculture Faisalabad

Ballroom A

e-Poster Abstract Session 5

3:30PM - 3:40PM

Proposed model for quantification of moisture loss from fresh produce stored at water vapour saturated conditions

Presenting Author: Pramod Mahajan, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering

Conference Room A

3:40PM - 3:50PM

Comparative evaluation of hydroponic and soil grown “Española” lettuce

Presenting Author: Antonio Lizana, Universidad de Chile

Conference Room A

3:50PM - 4:00PM

Minimally processed long-storage Mediterranean tomato: A novel product from traditional crops in the agrifood industry

Presenting Author: Cristina Patanè, CNR-IVALSA, Catania

Conference Room A

3:30PM - 3:40PM

Use of digital image processing for evaluation of translucency in fresh cut “Perola” pineapple coated with biofilms

Presenting Author: Silvanda Silva, Universidade Federal Da Paraiba

Conference Room B

3:40PM - 3:50PM

Effect of chemical compounds and hot water on quality of fresh cut white cabbage

Presenting Author: Silvia Valencia-Chamorro, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito Ecuador

Conference Room B

3:50PM - 4:00PM

Ethanol fumigation can effectively inhibit the browning of fresh-cut burdock

Presenting Author: Qingguo Wang, Shan Dong Agricultural University

Conference Room B

e-Poster Abstract Session 6

4:00PM - 4:10PM

Comparison of the organic and conventional agricultural practice on the quality and antioxidant activity of Welsh onion

Presenting Author: Gun-Hee Kim, DukSung Women’s University

Conference Room A

4:10PM - 4:20PM

Effects of heat treatment prior to cutting on quality attributes and storability of fresh-cut Chinese yam

Presenting Author: Hetong Lin, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

Conference Room A

4:20PM - 4:30PM

Shelf-life of fresh-cut tomato in relation to cut and fruit typologies

Presenting Author: Francesco Giuffrida, University of Catania

Conference Room A

4:00PM - 4:10PM

Processing of leafy salads: microorganisms associated to process water and produce

Presenting Author: Lars Mogren, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Conference Room B

4:10PM - 4:20PM

Quality changes in fresh-peeled garlic cloves in relation to storage temperatures and atmospheres

Presenting Author: Gyunghoon Hong, University of California, Davis

Conference Room B

4:20PM - 4:30PM

Quality changes of fresh-cut figs in relation to ripeness stage, temperature and controlled atmospheres

Presenting Author: Marita Cantwell, University of California, Davis

Conference Room B

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