University of California

For Abstracts

Effect of chemical compounds and hot water on quality of fresh cut white cabbage

Tapia C. and Valencia-Chamorro S. (Departamento de Ciencia de Alimentos y Biotecnología, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito Ecuador

The effects of the addition of chemical compounds classified as generally recognized as safe (GRAS), and hot water, on fresh cut cabbage were studied. Strips were prepared from cabbages and treated with solutions of acetic acid (0.15 w/w), ascorbic acid (0.2% w/w)-citric acid (0.5% w/w) combination, potassium sorbate (0.2% w/w), and water as control. Treated samples were packed in polypropylene (PP) bags and stored at 4 degrees C for 12 days. Physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses on treated samples were performed. Samples treated with ascorbic-citric acids combination exhibited lower browning index (BI), lower microbial contamination and better sensory attributes than the other samples. On a next experiment, this chemical treatment was selected to compare with samples immersed in hot water. Then, strips cabbages samples treated with ascorbic-citric acids combination, dip in hot water (60 degrees C), and water as control, were packaged in (PP) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags, and stored at 4 degrees C for 12 days. Samples with hot water treatment showed a weight loss less than 0.2%, and lower carbon dioxide accumulation inside the bags, than other samples. In this treatment, total polyphenols content was reduced by around 15.5% regarding to the initial sample (363 mg/100g as % gae). However, BI was the highest. Ascorbic-citric acids combination treatment showed a weight loss less than 0.5%. This treatment maintained microbiological and sensory quality of samples during the storage time. Total polyphenols content was increased by 8.2%. Ascorbic-citric acids combination treatment may be an alternative for fresh cut white cabbage

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