University of California

For Abstracts

Influence of Biodegradable Coatings on the Volatiles Profile of Fresh Cut ‘Paluma’ Guava

Rosana Sousa da Silva (CT/UFPB), Silvanda de Melo Silva* (PPGA/CCA/UFPB), Fernanda dos Santos Nunes de Melo (CT/UFPB), George Henrique Camêlo Guimarães (CCA/UFPB), Marta Suely Madruga (PPGCTA/CT/UFPB)

Fresh cut 'Paluma' guava is highly appreciated by the characteristic aroma and taste. However, due to the fresh cut operations the volatiles profile may change. Biodegradable coatings act as a physical barrier on the fruits that interfere with their physiology, affecting the biosynthesis of specific compounds or modifying the profile of volatile. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in the volatiles profile of slices of fresh cut ‘Paluma’ guava coated with chitosan at 2% (CH), sodium alginate at 1% (SA), calcium chloride at 1% (CC), and calcium chloride at 1% + chitosan at 2% (CC + CH), and control (T - without coating). The evaluation of the volatiles profile was performed by SPME-GC-MS followed 4 days of storage at 3 ± 2 degrees C and 75 ± 4% RH. For slices of fresh cut guava without coating (T) were identified 193 peaks; for slices coated with CH, 211 peaks; for slices coated with SA 157 peaks; for those coated with CC 199 peaks, and, for CC + CH, 239 peaks of volatiles. The 1-hexanol was not identified in slices coated with chitosan and a-humulene was not much expressive in slices coated with alginate, both terpenes with high odor power in guava. The major compound identified in slices of all coatings was the a-caryophyllene, a terpene typical of ripe guava. Coating slices with chitosan resulted in a reduction of the area of the volatile peaks in fresh cut 'Paluma' guava, which may indicate a delay in ripening.

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